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AppRobot Free Macro Recorder
Компания: AppMint Inc.
Страна: United States of America, FL, Miami
Член ASP: Нет
Web сайт компании: http://appmint.co
Сайт программы: http://approbot.co
О приложении: http://approbot.co

Автор: AppMint Inc.

Email продаж: downloads@appmint.co
Email техподдержки: downloads@appmint.co

Тип лицензии: Бесплатная
Класс: System Utilities::Automation Tools
Категории: Utilities :: Miscellaneous, Games :: Gaming Tools, Security Tools :: Key Loggers, Business & Finance :: Misc. Business, Business & Finance :: Utilities, Shell & Desktop Enhancements :: Screensaver Utilities, Web Development :: Miscellaneous, Utilities :: Shutdown Tools, Utilities :: System Utilities, Programming :: Miscellaneous, Multimedia and Design :: Screen Capture, Internet :: Miscellaneous, Internet :: Browser Utilities, Email :: Checkers, Email :: Misc. Email Tools, Communication :: Misc. Communication
ОС: WinXP, Win7 x32, Win7 x64, Windows 8, WinServer, WinOther, WinVista, WinVista x64, Other, Not Applicable
Системные требования: .NET Framework 3.5 and Windows XP+
Язык: English, Byelorussian, Catalan, Chinese, ChineseSimplified, ChineseTraditional, French, German, Irish, Italian, Japanese, Other, Russian, Spanish, Ukrainian
Ограничения: Fully featured with no time limits. Converting macros to .exe files is available in the Pro version.

Ключевые слова: automation software, macro recorder, free macro recorder, free mouse clicker, macro to exe, macro to .exe converter, replay keyboard, replay mouse, windows macro player, macro player

No installation, simply download and run AppRobot.

Automate mouse clicks, key-strokes and repetitive tasks on your computer:

1) Record mouse movements, clicks, and keystrokes.
2) Replay & auto-repeat macros on Windows computers.
3) Save your macros to a file or convert them to a standalone .EXE!
4) Schedule your .EXE macro to run at certain times with Task Scheduler!

* Requires .NET Framework 3.5

Easy-to-Use, Powerful Features:

~ Record a Macro
To record your macro, simply click the 'Start Recording' button and perform the tasks on your computer. This can be as simple as a mouse click, or an involved, repetitive task you'd like to automate, such as checking email, pulling multiple reports from a database, etc.

~ Stop Macro Recording
To stop recording, press the Pause/Break key on your keyboard.

~ Replay Your Macros
To run a macro, either 'Test Playback' the macro you just recorded, or 'Load + Run Saved Macro' from an existing macro file. To stop macro playback before it is finished, press the Pause/Break key on your keyboard.

~ Repeat Macro Replay
Repeat/loop the playback of your macro until it's stopped using the Pause/Break key.

~ Save Your Macros
Macros can be saved in a separate file, so you can run them on any Windows computer with AppRobot Macro Recorder.

~ Export Macro Code to .EXE
Convert your macro to a standalone .EXE file (doesn't require AppRobot Macro Recorder to run), and schedule playback using Microsoft Task Scheduler.
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0.14 МБ

ДатаВерсияСтатусИстория выпусков
01.04.20144.3.31.00New ReleaseMacro loop/repeat functionality.
Разрешения на распространение: The free version of AppRobot Macro Recorder can be freely distributed over the internet in unchanged form.


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