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BitRope Sharing 3.0.0
Компания: BitRope
Страна: Germany, Baden-Württemberg, Heidelberg
Член ASP: Нет
Web сайт компании: http://www.bitrope.com
Сайт программы: http://www.bitrope.com
О приложении: http://www.bitrope.com/bitrope-sharing/

Автор: BitRope Software

Email продаж: contact@bitrope.com
Email техподдержки: contact@bitrope.com

Тип лицензии: Бесплатная
Класс: Network & Internet::File Sharing/Peer to Peer
Категории: Internet tools, Peer to peer, File sharing, Internet
Платформа: Windows
ОС: Win2000, WinXP, Win7 x32, Win7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 10, WinServer, WinOther, WinVista, WinVista x64
Системные требования: Internet connection
Язык: English
Ограничения: No Limitations

Ключевые слова: Bitrope Sharing, p2p client, file sharing application, file sharing program, file sharing software, peer-to-peer software, p2p software, Gnutella, BitTorrent, eDonkey

Bitrope Sharing is an innovative file sharing client fast and easy to use regardless of the user's skill and experience in p2p software. It was designed to simplify the downloading of files via p2p networks such as Gnutella2, Gnutella, eDonkey, and BitTorrent, especially large size files like films, music albums, applications, games etc.

Due to its availability when it comes to networks, ghost ratings, configurable queue area, Bitrope Sharing makes a most advantageous solution as a p2p program.

When searching for your titles Bitrope Sharing is extremely prompt and generous with displaying results and includes a built-in media player with which you can preview files while downloading which means you will always be aware of the quality of that movie or song you are grabbing online before the file has actually finished downloading - it saves you both times and nerves.

While the application is able to download queue automatically you have the option to operate it manually and change the status of files yourself; one of Bitrope Sharing's main features is a very handy file-management system that helps you keep your content organized and easily surf through your library.

Bitrope Sharing offers a clean and visually enjoyable interface that includes an upper tool bar (whose role is to display network connections, views, tools and help documentation) and a lower graphical toolbar (with the role of easing-up your job when carrying out task within Home, Library, Media Player, Search or Transfers). The Home button in the main window is representative for the convenience offered by the program - it allows you to handle all the main tasks the app can perform with no efforts.

Bitrope Sharing's code is inspired from Shareaza p2p client to which it adds a plus of usability and control.
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6.96 МБ

ДатаВерсияСтатусИстория выпусков
20.12.20173.0.0Major UpdateImproved download algorithm. Improved GUI. Updated server list.
Разрешения на распространение: You may include BitRope Sharing on any CD compilation.


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