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Cisdem iPhoneRecovery for Mac 3.1.0
Компания: Cisdem
Страна: China, Shandong, Qingdao
Член ASP: Нет
Web сайт компании: https://www.cisdem.com
О приложении: https://www.cisdem.com/iphone-data-recovery-mac.html

Автор: Cisdem Inc.

Email продаж: affiliate@cisdem.com
Email техподдержки: affiliate@cisdem.com

Тип лицензии: Условно-бесплатная
Класс: System Utilities::Backup & Restore
Специфика: Business
Платформа: OS X
ОС: Mac OS X
Системные требования: 1. Intel processor. 2. Mac OS X 10.9 or Later 3. 512 MB physical RAM (memory) or more.
Язык: English

Ключевые слова: iPhone recovery software mac, iPhone recovery

Cisdem iPhoneRecovery 3 for Mac is an ideal iPhone data recovery software to recover your lost or deleted iOS data, no matter you have iTunes backups or not. With an intuitive interface, iPhoneRecovery 3 can easily pinpoint, preview and get back multiple files, including lost photos, videos, messages, contacts, call history, Safari bookmarks, notes, calendar, etc. There is no data disaster any more.
Greatly improved performance in recovering lost photos
-Exactly find all the lost photos, both the deleted and the undeleted included.
-Recoverable photos can be shown in two methods to preview: thumbnails or lists (categorized by date).
-The quality of recovered photos can be the same as the original ones.
More Accurately find lost Messages, Videos and Contacts in iPhone
-All the lost messages can be found out and recovered with names, numbers, receive/sent time and contents.
-Improve the recovery performance of undeleted Videos and Contacts.
-The preview windows have been redesigned to show details more clearly.
Other improvements:
-Brand new UI.
-Improve the speed when scanning the devices.
-Optimize the layout of output files.
-Fix the bug when connecting multiple devices.
-Add support to iOS 9.
-Add support for iPhone 6/6 Plus and iPhone SE.
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ДатаВерсияСтатусИстория выпусков
23.08.20163.1.0New ReleaseFix some minor bugs.
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