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Drag-N-Dropper for Microsoft Access 5.11
Компания: Peter's Software
Страна: United States of America, CA, Los Angeles
Член ASP: Нет
Web сайт компании: http://www.peterssoftware.com
О приложении: http://www.peterssoftware.com/dd.htm

Автор: Peter De Baets

Email продаж: info@peterssoftware.com
Email техподдержки: info@peterssoftware.com

Тип лицензии: Условно-бесплатная
Класс: Development::Components & Libraries
Специфика: Development Tools
ОС: Win2000, Win7 x32, Win7 x64, Win98, WinOther, WinServer, WinVista, WinVista x64, WinXP, Other
Системные требования: MS Access 2000 or later
Язык: English

Ключевые слова: microsoft, ms, access, office, drag, drop, form, control, add-ins, add-ons, module, between, list, listbox, textbox, combo, box, continuous, reorder, re-order

Drag-N-Dropper is a Microsoft Access module and form that you can add into your Access application to provide drag and drop functionality between text-based Access controls and continuous form subforms.

Drag-N-Dropper allows text to be moved or copied (using "CTRL-Drag") between text-based MS Access controls (text boxes, combo boxes, list boxes) by clicking on the desired text, dragging to the new control, and releasing the mouse button. While dragging, Drag-N-Dropper actually displays the dragged text next to the mouse arrow as it is dragged around the screen!

Additionally, Drag-n-Dropper allows you to re-order list box rows with drag and drop. Just drag a list box row to its new position, and release the mouse button. By using a special field in the underlying table, Drag-n-Dropper can move the row, and maintain the new sort order.

Drag-N-Dropper also allows dragging records between continuous form subforms, and dragging to and from text-based controls and continuous form subforms. The ability to call a custom function on drop allows the developer to take virtually any action necessary to complete the drag and drop operation.

It's easy to add into your new or existing applications. Just import the Drag-N-Dropper modules and form, then add three lines of code to each control that you will be dragging from.

Drag-N-Dropper is available for Access 2010/2007/2003/2002/2000, and separately for Access 97.
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1.38 МБ

ДатаВерсияСтатусИстория выпусков
12.09.20125.11Minor UpdateBug that caused list box re-ordering to fail in some situations fixed.
Разрешения на распространение: You may include this program on any CD compilation.
You may not sell the shareware copy.
You must disclose that this is shareware and that the product is not free.


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