Cisco Password Decryptor is a free desktop tool to instantly recover Cisco Type 7 Password.
Cisco Router devices allow three types of storing passwords in the configuration file. Here are the different password types
Cisco Type 0 Password: These passwords are stored in plain text Cisco Type 5 Password: These passwords are stored as salted MD5 hash. Requires brute-force attack to recover password Cisco Type 7 Password: These passwords are encoded using Cisco's private encryption algorithm & can be decrypted instantly.
This tool helps you to quickly recover Cisco Type 7 password. You can either enter the encrypted password directly or specify the Cisco configuration file. In second case, it will automatically detect the Type 7 password from config file and decrypt it instantly.
It is very handy tool for all Cisco Administrators as well as penetration testers. It is fully portable tool and includes installer also for local installation & un-installation.
Cisco Password Decryptor is successfully tested on both 32 bit & 64 bit windows systems starting from Windows XP to Windows 10