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Word Diary Template Creator 1.9.0
Компания: Create A Diary
Страна: China, GUANGDONG, ShenZhen
Член ASP: Нет
Web сайт компании: http://www.createadiary.com
О приложении: http://www.createadiary.com

Автор: lois liu

Email продаж: CreateADiary@CreateADiary.com
Email техподдержки: CreateADiary@CreateADiary.com

Тип лицензии: Условно-бесплатная
Класс: Business::PIMS & Calendars
Специфика: Calendars
Категории: Office Tool, Office Diary
ОС: Win2000, WinXP, WinServer, WinVista
Системные требования: Microsoft Windows XP
Язык: English

Ключевые слова: Word Diary Template Creator

Word Diary Creator application can automatically create a Word document, it include
a calendar and daily diary,them can be connected with each other.
1) The application can create a Word Template document about the diary.
2) You can create a full year calendar in MS Word.
3) You can create a daily diary , it include a incrementing the date and page breaks and others, like Word Template.
4) You can customizable layouts , size , colors , Font Name , Bold , Italic , Underline ,strike and so on in daily diary.
5) You can customizable tables in daily diary.
6) It include outline, which will be converted to pdf format file is very useful.
7) The important things is the calendar and every daily diary can be connected with each other.
8) You can customizable weeks . (for example: if you do not want Saturday and Sunday , it will be not create about Saturday and Sunday diary)
9) It include a total count from start date and end date.
10) And include the remaining number of days and the number of days displayed in the date of the title.
11) You can add special symbols.
12) You can add the item numbers.(like this 1),2),3),...)
13) You can add item special symbols.
14) You can be calculated the end date by the number of days.
15) You can customizable Calendar background color and font color about month and weekname, and so on.
16) You can customizable Monthly Calendar.(ver 1.8.0)
17) You can customizable Year Planner in one page or two page.(ver 1.8.3)
18) You can customizable Quarter Planner.(ver 1.8.4)
19) Show outline about planner of year,quarter,monthly.(ver 1.8.5)
NOTE: You must be install Microsoft Office Word2003( Update2007 *.DOCX)/2007 in your computer.
If you want to open it quickly, Please open it then 'Save as' *.doc file.
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ДатаВерсияСтатусИстория выпусков
12.07.20131.9.0New ReleaseCreate a calendar and daily diary in MS Word
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