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ПлатформаЛицензияЧлен ASP
Ключевые словаОписание
Компания: Tamas Csorgo
Страна: Hungary, BAZ, Miskolc
Член ASP: Нет
Web сайт компании: http://users.atw.hu/csorgotamas
Сайт программы: http://users.atw.hu/csorgotamas
О приложении: http://users.atw.hu/csorgotamas
Видео: http://utltimelogger.findmysoft.com/

Автор: Tamas Csorgo

Email продаж: csorgotamas@atw.hu
Email техподдержки: csorgotamas@atw.hu

Тип лицензии: Бесплатная
Класс: Business::PIMS & Calendars
Категории: time logging
Платформа: Windows
ОС: Win2000, WinXP, Win7 x32, Win7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 10, WinServer, WinOther, WinVista, WinVista x64
Системные требования: 200MB HD, 128MB RAM, 200Mhz CPU
Язык: English, Hungarian
Ограничения: no limitation

Ключевые слова: worktime, logger, time, tracking, tracker, timelog, time tracking, time tracker

It is very easy to lose track of time while working on a computer and it can be a problem for people who get payed by the hour. Without some way to log your working hours, pauses and so on, it may be difficult to calculate your payment. With utlTimeLogger, you will know more than how many hours you have worked or the lengths of your breaks. The software can tell you how much time you spend with specific applications and how long your computer is working. It also allows you to view numerous statistics, generate detailed reports, set up reminders and more.

The user interface provides various controls for starting, stopping or pausing a timer, viewing and exporting statistics, accessing a database and more. You may configure an app tracker, on a separate window, without any effort. The software can detect your running programs and it will ask you if you wish to track them or not. Tracked and ignored programs are added to separate lists, depending on your choices, but you can move individual items from one list to another at any time. It is also possible to set utlTimeLogger to automatically add detected programs to one of these lists.

When you start using a tracked application, it will be added to a third list, for currently tracked items, where you can see their recorded running times. You can view the start and end times and the number of minutes for each tracked program in the same window, but on a different tab. Furthermore, the software allows you to illustrate these statistics as a chart, for a time period of your choice.
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1.96 МБ

ДатаВерсияСтатусИстория выпусков
17.11.20161.3.12.56Major Updateit has been equipped with an online registration, bug reporting and version checking tool.
Разрешения на распространение: This program is copyright of Tamas CSÖRGŐ, but may be freely distributed, published on any media and uploaded to any web site without seeking permission, provided none of the files are altered or deleted.


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