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Blockworks 3.10
Компания: Hypervisual
Страна: Brazil, RS, Porto Alegre
Член ASP: Нет
Web сайт компании: http://hypervisual.com
Сайт программы: http://hypervisual.com/blockworks/
О приложении: http://hypervisual.com/blockworks/

Автор: Rubem Pechansky

Email продаж: info@hypervisual.com
Email техподдержки: info@hypervisual.com

Тип лицензии: Условно-бесплатная
Класс: Games & Entertainment::Kids
Специфика: Games
Категории: Lego, Puzzles, Blocks, Building, Games :: Puzzles, Games :: Education & Word, Games :: Board Games, Education :: Kids
ОС: WinOther, Win98, Win2000, WinXP, WinServer, WinVista, WinVista x64
Системные требования: 64 MB RAM, 64 MB free HD space
Язык: English
Ограничения: No limitations

Ключевые слова: virtual, building, construction, construct, toy, game, block, model, part, piece, background, wallpaper, puzzle, set, kit, Lego, Erector, Connectix, K'nex, Kinex, Fischertechnik

Blockworks is the virtual construction toy for kids of all ages with an innovative concept. Hundreds of carefully drawn parts can be stacked and grouped in infinite ways, allowing endless building possibilities. This addictive, family-oriented pastime allows you to build houses, trucks, cranes, buildings, planes, spaceships, structures, automobiles... you name it. Then use animated parts, ambient sounds and color backgrounds for greater fun. You will also be able to create your own Windows wallpapers, print hard copies to decorate your room, export your models as images and much more. You will be amazed at the infinite possibilities of Blockworks!

Great features:

- More than 700 colorful parts organized in 20 sets.
- Build and save as many models as you like, or modify one of the many included ones.
- Models can be printed, exported as a bitmap and used as your desktop wallpaper.
- Eye-catching block animation with user-selectable ambient sounds.
- Select, move, paint, copy, rotate and stack parts upon each other in real time as many times as you want.
- Choose from 85 full-color backgrounds or create your own colors and gradients.
- Special features for kids 6-10: simplified dialogs with model preview, automatic save and more.
- Original interface with fun sound effects and beautifully designed toolbars, dialogs and cursors
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ДатаВерсияСтатусИстория выпусков
13.06.20033.10Major UpdateSeveral user requested features and more
Разрешения на распространение: You may reproduce and distribute copies of this PROGRAM without the prior permission of Hypervisual as long as you verify that you are distributing the most recent version of the PROGRAM. Each copy shall be a true and complete copy, including all copyright and trademark notices, and shall be accompanied by a copy of this EULA. You may charge a nominal distribution fee for the package, but you may not charge for the program itself.


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