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Knowledge of basic accounting is assumed and required for the successful running of this product. We also strongly recommend that the software be set-up in a test environment, tested fully, and experimented with before the software is operated in a live environment. New releases to the software should also be tested prior to moving them into production environments, and complete backups of the system should be performed before any updates and before any changes are made to the system. You should be very familiar with the SQL Server Administration and Windows XP (or above) System Set-up and Administration. The software is provided completely on an “AS-IS” basis and there are no returns. Therefore, Please make sure you completely review the evaluation version and make sure that you are completely satisfied with its operation, and that the software is workable for you. The Owner of Double Entry System (DES) application is not responsible for any changes that you make to the software, nor are we responsible for tracking the changes that you make to the software. Your company should already have a change management system in place and routinely being used by your programmers. The owner of Double Entry System (DES) offers no other services, we provide the software only as a finished product. The owner of Double Entry System (DES) is not responsible for any damages suffered as a result of accessing or using Double Entry System (DES). The Owner of Double Entry Software (DES) grants you the non-exclusive right to use the Double Entry Software program, and documentation, referred to in this agreement as the 'package', in any way that you see fit, as long as your usage of the program does not violate the terms and conditions set forth in this agreement. The package is delivered “AS-IS” and The owner of Double Entry Software (DES) makes no additional warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to the merchantability of fitness for any purpose. All such warranties are specifically disclaimed. Neither The owner of Double Entry Software (DES), nor parties involved in the creation or delivery of the package, shall be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages or for lost profits or loss of data, data being rendered inaccurate, loss of business profits, loss of business information, business interruptions, loss sustained by you or third parties, or a failure of the software to operate with any other software or for any claim or demand against you by a third party under any circumstances, whether based on contract, tort, or legal theory, even if the owner of Double Entry Software (DES) was advised of the possibility of such damages. Performance of this package depends upon the hardware, & software configuration (s) of the computers and the speed of network upon which it runs. The performance of this package is not guaranteed in any way. Copyrights and Trademarks Double Entry Software (DES) is protected by Copyright Laws and International Copyright Treaties, as well as other Intellectual Property Laws and Treaties. The Double Entry Software is a licensed product, not sold. All rights, title, and copyrights in and to the Double Entry Software package (including, but not limited to, source code, diagrams, documentation, charts, graphs, html pages, test scripts, xml scripts, icons, images, smart panels, applets, animations, video, audio, and music, incorporated into Double Entry Software) and any copies of the Double Entry Software are owned by the owner of Double Entry Software, that is the author. Nothing in this agreement is implies or is meant to imply the transfer of copyright or transfer of ownership of the Double Entry Software to any other party. DES®, DES Logo® are all registered trademarks of the owner of Double Entry System (DES). Рейтинг: Назад Наверх
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