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Elerium Excel .NET 2.2
Компания: Elerium Software
Страна: Switzerland, Luzern, Luzern
Член ASP: Нет
Web сайт компании: http://www.eleriumsoft.com
О приложении: http://www.eleriumsoft.com/Excel_NET/ExcelNET/Default.aspx

Автор: Donald Green

Email продаж: web@eleriumsoft.com
Email техподдержки: web@eleriumsoft.com

Тип лицензии: Условно-бесплатная
Класс: Development::Components & Libraries
Специфика: Development Tools
Категории: Programming :: Components and Libraries, Programming :: .NET, Programming :: Source Code, Programming :: C & C++ & C#, Programming :: Visual Basic
ОС: WinXP, Win2000, WinServer, WinVista, WinVista x64
Системные требования: .NET 2.0
Язык: English
Ограничения: 3 sheets, 64 rows on each, extra sheet with trial text

Ключевые слова: read, write, Excel, .NET, ASP.NET, C#, XLS, XLSX, component, generate

Elerium Excel .NET is a professional .NET component that can be used in any type of .NET (C#, VB.NET) projects. Developers can easily add functionality of create/read/write Excel files (XLS, XLSX, CSV) to WinForms / ASP.NET applications. Elerium Excel .NET has rich set of methods to edit the cells of Excel Worksheets either XLS XLSX or CSV files. Code Examples (C# VB.NET) shows how to adjust cell styles, fonts, borders etc.

Elerium Excel .NET is a standalone component that compatible with .NET 2.0 and higher and does not depend on third-party libraries and Microsoft Office Automation.

Key features:

- Excel files XLSX, XLS, CSV.
- Methods for Reading / Writing Excel files (see C# VB.NET examples).
- Various cell data types (numbers, strings, dates, floating point etc.)
- Multiple Excel worksheets.
- Number formatting (number,currency, date, time, fraction etc.)
- Font formatting (size, color, font type, italic and strikeout properties, boldness, underlining, subscript and superscript).
- Cell alignment (vertical, horizontal).
- Excel spreadsheet Row height and Column width.
- Cell styles (rotation, indentation, text wrapping).
- Cell borders (color, style).
- Cell Background and Fill Pattern.
- Merged Cells in Excel spreadsheet.
- Rich Text for excel cells.
- Excel Encryption / Decryption.
- PASSWORD protection of Excel file.
- Worksheet protection.
- Hiding / Showing an excel worksheet.
- The ability to hide and unhide Row/Column.
- Calculation of math expressions.
- Excel Formulas.
- Unicode support, international characters.
- Right-to-left text(Arabic).
- Defined cell names.
- Excel worksheet Headers/Footers.
- Excel Panes (vertical, horizontal, both).
- Multithreading support.
- Export data between Excel and DataTable.
- Template support (create new workbooks using existing workbook as a template).
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ДатаВерсияСтатусИстория выпусков
01.10.20132.2New Release- New methods for operation with excel CellRange.
- Added new excel mathematics functions.
- Fixed bug in calculation of complex formulas.
- Fixed bug in column insertion function.
- Fixed bug in row insertion function.
- Fixed bug in write method for Excel XLSX format.
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