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GiMeSpace Desktop Extender 3D
Компания: GiMeSpace
Страна: Australia, NSW, Mount Burrell
Член ASP: Нет
Web сайт компании: https://www.gimespace.com
Сайт программы: http://gimespace.com/
О приложении: http://gimespace.com/gms3d.html
Видео: https://youtu.be/lGaxZMU7Go0

Автор: Jorrit IJpenberg

Email продаж: gimespace@gimespace.com
Email техподдержки: gimespace@gimespace.com

Тип лицензии: Условно-бесплатная
Класс: System Utilities::Shell Tools
Специфика: Utilities
Категории: Desktop::Other
Платформа: Windows
ОС: Win2000, WinXP, Win7 x32, Win7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 10, WinServer, WinOther, WinVista, WinVista x64
Системные требования: Windows with aero (vista and later)
Язык: English
Ограничения: 30 day trial

Ключевые слова: Desktop, Extender, 3D, Expands, bigger, Screen, cheap, alternative, extra monitor, Virtual Desktop, panning, unlimited size

GiMeSpace Desktop Extender 3D provides a smarter way to use your desktop. It is a small and very simple program for Windows that will allow you to expand your desktop without any limits.
When you move your mouse to the edge of your screen you will notice that your desktop extends beyond the borders of your normal desktop. There is a 3D navigator screen where you can see your whole extended desktop and move your windows around, zoom in and out and even work with your zoomed windows.
You can resize you windows to a size that is bigger then your physical screen. This can be very handy for computers with a small screen like netbook, etc.
You can select the autoarrange option to keep your windows next to each other.
It has the option to make your Desktop scroll always when you move the mouse. This way you much more enjoy your extra space while at the same time you don't have to move your mouse long distances any more!
Other options are: Sticky scrolling, no more scrolling when you hit shortly the border. Scroll one screen at a time. And scrolling using the keyboard. There is a tab where you can select windows that you don't want to scroll, like toolbars etc. You can limit the virtual desktop to the space used by your application windows. And you can save and restore the positions and sizes of all your windows.
Bonus: Only in this edition. You can now assign hotkeys to different areas of you desktop!
This program gives you back the pan and scan scrolling function of windows xp for windows vista and windows 7.
GiMeSpace provides a cheap alternative for adding more monitors to your computer.
Try out the free trial version to experience the freedom of more desktop space!
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ДатаВерсияСтатусИстория выпусков
14.02.20223.4.0.87Major UpdateImproved function to fully save and restore your windows desktop
26.12.20213.3.9.84Major UpdateScreenshot / Windows Capture has improved a lot
01.12.20213.3.8.81Major UpdateScreenshot / Windows Capture has improved a lot
27.12.20203.3.5.77Major UpdateScreenshot / Windows Capture has improved a lot
21.11.20203.3.4.76Major UpdateOptimized for windows 10 DPI Scaling and higher resolution monitors.
09.05.20203.3.1.69Major UpdateOptimized for windows 10 DPI Scaling and higher resolution monitors.
28.03.20203.3.0.67Major UpdateOptimized for windows 10 DPI Scaling
12.02.20203.2.2.64Major UpdateOptimized for windows 10
08.08.20193.2.1.61Major UpdateOptimized for windows 10
Разрешения на распространение: You are granted the rights to distribute the trial/unregistered version of this product with the the following limitations. You have permission to include and distribute the trial/unregistered version of the software in a commercial Shareware CDROM, download web site or other collection, together with other software. If you include it in any such package the following restrictions apply:

1. The distribution format is not to be modified in any way from the original supplied by the Author. Specifically no files may be altered, deleted or added to the distribution file(s).

2. The distribution must not include any knowledge or communication in any way of how to convert it to a registered version. In particular, you may not distribute a registered or licensed piece of software. Only the unregistered(evaluation) version of the software may be redistributed.

3. The distributor may charge a reasonable distribution fee as long as it is made clear to the user that this is a distribution fee and not a registration fee. The distributor may not charge a registration fee or give the impression that the user is paying the registration fee.


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