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uploaded to WWW pages, ftp sites and bulletin boards, etc. as long as it is distributed in its complete original form. NOTE: DO NOT distribute registered copies of Home or Away without the expressed written consent of the author. LICENCE AGREEMENT * Trial Version There are no restrictions to the number of computers that the trial version of Home or Away may be installed on, or the number of people that can use it at any one time. * Registered Full Version A registered full version of Home or Away may be installed on one or more computers but may only be used by the single person (or their replacement if they occupy an official position in a club or organisation) in whose name it is registered. DISCLAIMER Home or Away is used entirely at the risk of the user. Although great care has been taken to eliminate defects during the development of Home or Away, it is not claimed to be fault-free. No claims are made regarding its correctness, reliability or fitness for any particular purpose. The Author shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages, loss of data or personal injury in connection with furnishing, performance, or use of this material. Рейтинг: Назад Наверх
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