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Keyboard Monitor 2.6
Компания: Bushyn SOFTWARE
Страна: Ukraine, Krivy Kolina
Член ASP: Нет
Web сайт компании: https://windows10gadgets.pro/
О приложении: https://windows10gadgets.pro/toolsandutils/keyboardmonitor/keyboardmonitor.html

Автор: Igor Bushyn

Email продаж: shvaika@yandex.ua
Email техподдержки: shvaika@yandex.ua

Тип лицензии: Бесплатная
Класс: System Utilities::Other
Специфика: Utilities
Платформа: Windows
ОС: Win2000, WinXP, Win7 x32, Win7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 10, WinServer, WinOther, WinVista, WinVista x64
Системные требования:
Язык: English

Ключевые слова: keyboard, key, speed, klick, button, system

Keyboard Monitor shows statistics on the use of the keyboard. This gadget is for fun only, but we like it :) It needs a small library installation. Save settings to file. (File will be created - Path: %APPDATA% File: gadgetname_Settings.ini). Color changeable for all gadget's elements, including background.

Note: Keyboard Monitor doesn't run under a 64 bit sidebar. To change the autorun, 64 bit sidebar to 32 bit sidebar, you must manual edit the following Registry Key: \\HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\SideBar
Change the key to this: %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Windows Sidebar\sidebar.exe /autoRun
(usually it is C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Sidebar\sidebar.exe /autoRun)
(The only addition is loading sidebar.exe from c:\program files (x86)\ instead of c:\program files\)
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0.07 МБ

ДатаВерсияСтатусИстория выпусков
07.04.20202.6New Release
05.08.20182.3New Release
Разрешения на распространение: Contact shvaika@yandex.ua for distribution agreements


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