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NEURAL DESIGNER END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT This license is a legal agreement between the individual or company who has obtained a license of the software program Neural Designer (hereafter referred to as USER) and ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE TECHNIQUES S.L. (hereafter referred to as INTELNICS). This License represents the entire and exclusive agreement between USER and INTELNICS. LICENSE COVERAGE This License shall be effective upon its execution by both USER and INTELNICS and shall remain in force for its full term unless it is terminated by USER or by INTELNICS. This License provides for the use of the software program Neural Designer, hereafter called Neural Designer, in an Installation Site. Such use and reproduction is limited to the Installation Site, except for the cases included in the USE AND REPRODUCTION LIMITATIONS section below, for the EVALUATION VERSION of Neural Designer. No rights are granted to use Neural Designer other than those in this License. For the purposes of this agreement, an 'Installation Site' shall mean a single physical computer and Operating System or a portable device (like a USB memory stick). License will be attached to that physical Computer/device during its operation time. INTELNICS can, at his own decision, permit the transfer of the license to a new physical computer, provided that Neural Designer is completely uninstalled and deleted from the previous computer. TERM OF LICENSE The period for authorized use of Neural Designer, under the terms and conditions of this License, shall continue until INTELNICS or USER terminate this License. Additionally, this license will be terminated when the computer or portable device where the software has been installed, ceases to operate, changes the Operating System or its physical configuration, unless INTELNICS decides to provide a license transfer to another computer. INTELNICS can provide special licenses that have a termination date. In this case, the termination date will be clearly defined in the contract. USE AND REPRODUCTION LIMITATIONS USER can make additional copies of Neural Designer when they are needed for maintenance or backup purposes. USER can redistribute Neural Designer, provided that the new users will only use it in its EVALUATION VERSION (see EVALUATION VERSION) or will obtain a new license from INTELNICS. Neural Designer can be included in a massive distribution media (like a CD-ROM or a download web page, only for its use as EVALUATION VERSION (see EVALUATION VERSION). EVALUATION VERSION Neural Designer evaluation version is a fully functional version, except that it can only be used for 30 days. Neural Designer evaluation version can be freely used by USER without the need of a license. Neural Designer evaluation version can be redistributed provided that it is subject to the terms and conditions of this License. UPDATE AND MAINTENANCE For the current version of Neural Designer, no updates or maintenance are provided. INTELNICS may provide free user support to a certain extent, to USER and, always, at INTELNICS criteria. INTELNICS can provide additional product support, based on a fee, by the means of third party companies, previously approved by INTELNICS. DISCLAIMERS In no event shall INTELNICS be liable to USER for any damages, including, but not limited to, direct, indirect, special or consequential damages, arising out of, resulting from, or in any way connected with the performance or breach of this License, whether or not based upon warranty, contract, tort or otherwise, whether or not injury was sustained by persons or property or otherwise, and whether or not loss was sustained from loss of use, data, or profits. This License does not provide any warranty of Neural Designer outside of what is outlined herein, whether express, implied, or statutory, including, but not limited to, any warranty that Neural Designer will conform to specifications, any warranty of merchantability of fitness for a particular purpose, and any warranty that Neural Designer will be free from error. Рейтинг: Назад Наверх
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