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2. License Grant. (a) HelpSoft grants to Licensee, subject to these terms and conditions, a nonexclusive, royalty-free, worldwide, and nontransferable right to (i) reproduce, without change, the version and platform of the OneClickHelp client software to which these terms are attached ("Products") in executable form only on any media and (ii) distribute by sublicense such Product copies to end users, directly or indirectly through distributors and sub-distributors. 3. Reports. Licensee shall report to HelpSoft within 30 calendar days after the end of each calendar quarter the quantity of Product licenses granted during such prior quarter for distribution hereunder, by country therefor. Such reports shall be provided in written or electronic form to HelpSoft. 4. Support. The Product comes with support from HelpSoft. 5. Distribution. (a) Licensee shall, and shall cause its distributors to comply with all then-current applicable laws, regulations and other legal requirements in its performance of this Agreement, including without limitation, all applicable export laws, rules and regulations of any agency of the U.S. Government or other applicable agencies. 6. No Warranty/ As Is. 7. Indemnity. HelpSoft shall have no obligation or liability for, and Licensee shall defend, indemnify and hold HelpSoft harmless from and against any claim (including reasonable attorneys' fees and costs) arising from Licensee's distribution of the Products under, and/or compliance with the terms and conditions set forth in, this Agreement. License Agreement Attention! Read hereinafter carefully before installing, copy or otherwise acquired the product. Any use of your purchased product, including installation and copying, means agree with the terms set out in the license agreement. If you do not accept the conditions set out in a license contract. You do not have the right to use the product and should return the product to the organization in which you it acquired. The money paid for the purchase will be refunded to you. This license agreement is a legally binding agreement between you, End User, and the author - hereinafter (Rights owner), on the software, which comes with a license agreement. Software is a set of software, databases and documents, including documents in electronic form, which is the subject of copyright and protected by law. Contract of the copyright (on the use of software and databases) transfer to end user (license contract) 1. Subject of contract 1.1. The subject of this license agreement is transfer from Rights Owner to you as End User rights to use the software throughout the world in the manner prescribed in the license agreement (non-exclusive license). 1.2. All the conditions stipulated further relate to software as a whole and for all its components separately. 2. Exclusivity of rights 2.1. The exclusive rights on software (including, without limitation, any included graphics, photos, text, additional programs as well as other facilities copyright), the accompanying printed materials, and any copies of the software belong to Rights Owner. Software is protected by national legislation, but not limited to, and the international agreements on copyright acquisition of the software. 2.2. Use of the software in breach of this License contract is a violation of the law of copyright and is a sufficient reason to deprive you of the software rights. 2.3. You have the right to use the software means, as specified in this contract, only on a single computer. 2.4. You do not have the right to distribute or transfer it to others. If you commit above actions Rights Owner reserves the right at any time to terminate this contract. 3. Terms of Use 3.1. You can use – which means to install, run or otherwise work with a copy of the software on a single computer. You do not have the right to use the software at the same time on other computers. 4. The software distribution 4.1. The software distribution is not permitted. Distribution means to provide access to the others in order to reproduce any form components of the software by using network means and other media, as well as through sale, rent, lease or lending. 5. Restrictions You agree not to perform and not to allow other natural or legal persons to exercise the following activities: 5.1. To disassemble, decompile (convert object code to the original text) the program, databases and other components with the exception when the possibility of such activities is expressly provided by the legislation. 5.2. To modify the software, including changes in the object code of the programs or databases to them, with the exception to changes which can be made with means included in software and described in the documentation. 5.3. To transfer right to use software to the third parties. 5.4. Create opportunities to use the software by people with no rights to use it while working with them in a network or multi-user system. 6. Using components of software 6.1. You can use the software solely as a product. Separation of components and their usage on more than one computer is not permitted. 7. Technical Support 7.1. Rights Owner can deliver you support services (Technical Support). 7.2. Technical Support is subject to the conditions set forth or in the user manual (if any), or electronic documentation, or otherwise supplied by Rights Owner materials. Any software supplied to you in the course of providing technical support, has to be considered as part of the software and should be used in accordance with the terms and conditions of this License contract. 7.3. In the course of providing Technical Support Rights Owner may ask you to provide information about the technical characteristics of your equipment, and to request standard personal information? 7.4. Rights Owner can use the above information in course of business development, including the provision of technical support under the stipulation that the information will not be personified. 8. Software provided to update the existing software 8.1. If new provided software is upgrade, for its use you must have a valid license to use the program designated by Rights Owner as a product to be updated. 8.2. Software labeled as an upgrade replaces or supplements program, which is the basis of your right to update. 8.3. After installation the update on the computer, you will loose the license on the previous version of Software. 8.4. You have the right to use upgrade, in accordance with the terms of the License, which comes with the program. 8.5. Any obligations Rights Owner to provide technical support concerning previous versions cease to have effect from the date of transfer to you the update. 9. Termination of the contract 9.1. Without prejudice to his rights Rights Owner may terminate this License agreement if End User doesn’t observe its terms and restrictions. 9.2. In such case, you must destroy all copies of the software and uninstall software. 10. Guarantees and compensation 10.1. Software is supplied "as it is." Rights Owner does not guarantee that the software does not contain errors, and does not assume any liability for any direct or indirect damages including loss of profits, loss of confidential information arising from the use of software including the possible mistakes or errors in the set of software. 10.2. Rights owner does not guarantee that the software will meet your requirements, and does not guarantee joint work with the software equipment of other manufacturers. 10.3. Except as otherwise provided by this article, Rights Owner does not guarantee software efficiency, application for a specific use, even if such assurances are provided, in accordance with customary business practices. 10.4. Any responsibility of Rights Owner regardless of the reason for it will be limited to the price paid by you for the acquisition of software. 11. Applicable law 11.1. The law of the country in which you acquired the software is applicable to relationships under this License agreement. 12. Other 12.1. This license agreement is considered to be concluded at the moment of your acceptance of conditions by the way of signing the contract with the Company or clicking the "I accept the license agreement" on the screen of your computer, and then select Next and will be valid throughout the period of exclusive rights over the software. Рейтинг: Назад Наверх
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