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- Private individuals charging no fees. - Members of shareware associations. - Other bona fide shareware distributors and directories including FTP and WWW sites, BBSs, user groups, mail-order disk vendors, CD-ROM publishers, file-distribution networks etc. BUNDLING: In no case may the SOFTWARE be bundled with hardware or other non-shareware software without prior written permission from Srimax Software System. TRANSFERABILITY: Permission to distribute the SOFTWARE is not transferable, assignable, saleable or franchise-able. Each entity wishing to distribute the package must independently satisfy the terms of the distribution license. REVOKATION: Srimax Software System may revoke any distribution permissions granted here, by notifying you in writing. All rights not expressly granted here are reserved to Srimax Software System. THIS SOFTWARE END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT ('EULA') IS A LEGAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN YOU (EITHER AN INDIVIDUAL OR, IF PURCHASED OR ACQUIRED BY OR FOR AN ENTITY, AN ENTITY) AND SRIMAX SOFTWARE SYSTEM. IT PROVIDES A LICENSE TO USE THIS SOFTWARE AND CONTAINS WARRANTY INFORMATION AND LIABILITY DISCLAIMERS. BY DOWNLOADING, INSTALLING OR USING THE SOFTWARE YOU ARE INDICATING YOUR ASSENT TO THE TERMS OF THIS LICENSE. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO ALL OF THE FOLLOWING TERMS, DO NOT DOWNLOAD OR INSTALL THE SOFTWARE, DISCONTINUE ITS USE IMMEDIATELY AND DESTROY ALL COPIES IN YOUR POSSESSION. 1. DEFINITIONS a) 'Srimax' means Srimax Software System. b) 'Software' means the executable code of Advanced Installer, additional tools, libraries, source files, header files, data files, any updates or error corrections provided by Srimax, any user manuals, guides, printed materials, on-line or electronic documentation. c) 'License Key' means a serial number issued to you by Srimax to activate and use the Software. d) 'Named User' is an individual authorized by You to use the Software through the assignment of a single user ID, regardless of whether or not the individual is using the Software at any given time. A non-human operated device is counted as a User in addition to all individuals authorized to use the Software, if such device can access the Software. e) 'Maintenance Plan' is a time-limited right to technical support and Software updates and upgrades. Technical support only covers issues or questions resulting directly out of the operation of the Software. Srimax will not provide you with generic consultation, assistance, or advice under any other circumstances. 2. LICENSE GRANTS 2.1 Trial Period License. You may download and use the Software for free for thirty (30) days after installation ('Trial Period'). During the Trial Period, Srimax grants You a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-renewable license to copy and use the Software for evaluation purposes only and not for any commercial use. At Srimax's discretion, Srimax may provide limited support through email or discussion forums at web site. The evaluation copy of the Software contains a feature that will automatically disable the Software at the end of Trial Period. Srimax will have no liability to you if this feature disables the Software. 2.2 License After Trial Period. This Software is licensed, not sold. During the Trial Period, You have the option of paying a license fee in order to use the Software after the expiration of the Trial Period. Upon your payment of the license fee, Srimax provides you with a permanent registration number ('License key') and grants you a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable license to: a) use the Software on a Named User basis meaning specific individuals are authorized to access the Software and the total number of named users may not exceed the total number licensed by You. b) copy the Software in machine-readable form solely for archival and backup purposes. c) freely create and redistribute an unlimited number of install packages to an unlimited number of users. 3. LICENSE RESTRICTIONS 3.1 You shall undertake any necessary steps to protect the License Key against unauthorized use. 3.2 You may not alter, merge, modify, adapt or translate the Software, or decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble, or otherwise reduce the Software to a human-perceivable form. 3.3 You may not sell, rent, lease, sub license, transfer, resell for profit or otherwise distribute the Software or any part thereof. 3.4 You may not modify the Software or create derivative works based upon the Software. 3.5 You may not remove or obscure any copyright and trademark notices relating to the Software. 4. USE OF LICENSING FUNCTIONALITY 4.1 If you have licensed a qualifying edition of the Software, you may use the functionality labeled 'Licensing' solely for the purposes of applying the Licensing functionality processes and/or restrictions to your products and distributing such products to your end users for their trial purposes for a predetermined period of time. For the avoidance of doubt, the foregoing limitations apply only to your use of the Licensing functionality and not your use of the Software in general. 4.2 You may not use or apply the Licensing functionality for the benefit of any software products which are not owned by you. 5. OWNERSHIP AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS 5.1 This Agreement gives you limited rights to use the Software. Srimax retains all rights, title and interest in and to the Software and all copies thereof, including copyrights, patents, trade secret rights, trademarks and other intellectual property rights. All rights not specifically granted in this Agreement, including International Copyrights, are reserved by Srimax. The structure, organization and code of the Software are valuable trade secrets and confidential information of Srimax. 6. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY 6.1 Srimax's cumulative liability to You or any other party for any loss or damages resulting from any claims, demands, or actions arising out of or relating to this Agreement shall not exceed the license fee paid to Srimax for use of the Software. 6.2 Srimax shall be relieved of any and all obligations for any portions of the software that are revised, changed, modified, or maintained by anyone other than Srimax. 7. PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INDEMNITY 7.1 Srimax represents and warrants that the Software shall not infringe or misappropriate any copyrights, patents, trade secret rights, trademarks and other intellectual property rights. 7.2 Refund Policy: Srimax suggests it's users to use trial version before purchasing it and completely satisfy themselves with the the product functionality. Once license key is issued, it can not be refunded. 7.3 In the event the Software is found to infringe, Srimax will have the option, at its expense, to a) modify the Software to cause it to become non-infringing; b) substitute the Software with other Software reasonably suitable to You, or c) if none of the foregoing remedies are commercially feasible, terminate the license for the infringing Software and refund any license fees paid for the Software. 7.4 Srimax will have no liability for any claim of infringement based on a) code contained within the Software which was not created by Srimax; b) use of a superseded or altered release of the Software, except for such alteration(s) or modification(s) which have been made by Srimax or under Srimax's direction, if such infringement would have been avoided by the use of a current, unaltered release of the Software that Srimax provides to You, or c) the combination, operation, or use of any Software furnished under this Agreement with programs or data not furnished by Srimax if such infringement would have been avoided by the use of the Software without such programs or data. 8. LIMITED WARRANTIES 8.1 THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ON AN 'AS IS' BASIS. SRIMAX SOFTWARE SYSTEM MAKES NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OR MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. WITHOUT LIMITATION, YOU ASSUME SOLE RESPONSIBILITY FOR SELECTING THE SOFTWARE TO ACHIEVE YOUR INTENDED RESULTS AND FOR THE INSTALLATION, USE AND RESULTS OBTAINED FROM THE SOFTWARE. SRIMAX SOFTWARE SYSTEM MAKES NO WARRANTY THAT THE SOFTWARE WILL BE ERROR FREE OR FREE FROM INTERRUPTIONS OR OTHER FAILURES. IN PARTICULAR, THE SOFTWARE IS NOT DESIGNED FOR USE IN HAZARDOUS ENVIRONMENTS REQUIRING FAIL-SAFE PERFORMANCE. SRIMAX SOFTWARE SYSTEM EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR HIGH-RISK ACTIVITIES. 8.2 Srimax warrants that it holds the proper rights allowing it to license the Software and is not currently aware of any actions that may affect its rights to do so. 8.3 Srimax cannot guarantee that the Software will work at all times. If you change your operating system, the software may not work anymore. You acknowledge and agree that such changes are fair and reasonable. 8.4 You should make sure that it is legal to use the Software in your country or jurisdiction. Srimax only provides a license for You to use the software. It is Your responsibility to make sure that You are allowed to use the Software. 8.5 Srimax reserves the right at any time to cease the support of the Software and to alter prospectively the prices, features, specifications, capabilities, functions, licensing terms, release dates, general availability or other characteristics of the Software. 9. SUPPORT 9.1 Technical support is provided via electronic mail at the address specified on the web site. Srimax will use its best efforts to provide you with technical support within forty-eight (48) business hours of your request. Please check our website to find our latest contact information. 9.2 If Srimax discontinues any version of the Software, Srimax reserves the right to limit or cease product support and updates for such discontinued version. Srimax reserves the right to discontinue free support with thirty (30) days written notice posted to the Srimax or the Software web site. 10. HIGH RISK ACTIVITIES 10.1 The Software is not fault-tolerant and is not designed, manufactured or intended for use or resale as on-line control equipment in hazardous environments requiring fail-safe performance, such as in the operation of nuclear facilities, aircraft navigation or communication systems, air traffic control, direct life support machines, or weapons systems, in which the failure of the Software could lead directly to death, personal injury, or severe physical or environmental damage ('High Risk Activities'). Srimax and its suppliers specifically disclaim any express or implied warranty of fitness for High Risk Activities. 11. THIRD PARTY SITES AND SOFTWARE 11.1 The Software will direct you to third party Web sites. Srimax does not control, endorse, or guarantee content, including software, data or other information found on such third party sites. You agree that Srimax is not responsible for any content, associated links, resources, or services associated with a third party site. You further agree that Srimax shall not be liable for any loss or damage of any sort associated with your use of third party content. Access to these sites is provided for your convenience only. 11.2 The Software contains third party software. By accepting this EULA, You are also accepting the additional terms and conditions with respect to such software, if any, forth herein. 12. AUDIT RIGHTS 12.1 Srimax audits your use of the Software to verify compliance with this Agreement. The Software is configured to enable periodic HTTP communication with Srimax. During this communication, license information is transmitted from the Software to Srimax to ensure license compliance. The information transmitted during these periodic updates includes the operating system, license serial number, and other relevant information to verify compliance. If you are unwilling to provide this communication capability, you may opt out of ongoing communication, but you will no longer receive Software updates and search engine configuration updates. If the usage of the Software is considered to be out of compliance with this Agreement, the Software may, without notice, cease to function. 12.2 During the audit process, Srimax has the ability to personally identify the individual that registered with Srimax to acquire the Software license ('Registrant') through the identification number assigned to your account at the time of registration, by using the personal information the Registrant provided to Srimax during the registration process. Such personal information will only be used by Srimax in connection with such audit process. 13. SEVERABILITY 13.1 If any provision hereof shall be held illegal, invalid or unenforceable, in whole or in part, such provision shall be modified to the minimum extent necessary to make it legal, valid and enforceable, and the legality, validity and enforceability of all other provisions of this Agreement shall not be affected. 14. GOVERNING LAW 14.1 This Agreement is to be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws and jurisdiction of the defending party. Service of process upon either party shall be valid if served by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested and to the most current address provided by such party. The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods shall not apply to this Agreement. 15. TERMINATION 15.1 Your license to use the Software continues until terminated. This license will terminate automatically if you fail to comply with any term hereof. No notice shall be required from Srimax to effect such termination. You may also terminate this Agreement at any time by notifying Srimax in writing of termination. On termination, you must destroy all copies of the Software. Your obligation to pay accrued charges and fees shall survive any termination of this Agreement. 16. ASSIGNMENT 16.1 Neither this Agreement nor any rights granted hereunder may be sold, leased, assigned, or otherwise transferred, in whole or in part, by you, whether voluntary or by operation of law. Any such attempted assignment shall be void and of no effect without the prior written consent of Srimax. 17. ENTIRE AGREEMENT 17.1 This Agreement contains the entire agreement between Srimax and You related to the software and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings, whether oral or written. It may be amended only by a writing executed by both parties. Рейтинг: Назад Наверх
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