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OzGISMac 14.7-14.11.2020
Компания: OzGIS
Страна: Australia, NSW, Queanbeyan East
Член ASP: Нет
Web сайт компании: https://ozgis.sourceforge.io
О приложении: https://sourceforge.net/projects/ozgis/
Видео: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U-L3ujMtUN8

Автор: Lloyd Simons

Email продаж: ozgis.pad@submitpad.org
Email техподдержки: ozgis.pad@submitpad.org

Тип лицензии: Бесплатная
Класс: Business::Math & Scientific Tools
Категории: Mapping, Census, Spatial, Site selection, Territory, GIS, Demographics
Платформа: OS X
ОС: Mac OS X,
Системные требования: Mac OS X, 64bit Windows, Ubuntu
Язык: English
Ограничения: None

Ключевые слова: mapping, census, territory, GIS

OzGISMac is an extensive system for the analysis and display of geographically
referenced data. About 150 menus provide an enormous range of options for:

. importing data from databases, spreadsheets and Geographic Information
Systems (GISs) or downloaded from Census Bureaux or mapping agencies.
. processing data in preparation for display and analysis
. display of data as several different types of maps and diagrams.
. facilities to analyse displayed data and to manipulate the maps.
. Special support for site catchment analysis, location / allocation and
territory assignment.

The system can be used to analyze socio-economic and demographic data produced
by censuses and surveys and to support management decisions associated with for
example marketing, sales, site and personnel location, and advertising. Other
spatial data such as environmental data can be displayed.

Search for OzGIS on Youtube for tutorial / demonstration videos.
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В архиве

ДатаВерсияСтатусИстория выпусков
14.11.202014.7-14.11.2020New ReleaseImproved Release
14.11.202014.7-14/11/2020New ReleaseImproved Release
14.11.202014.7-14.11.2020New ReleaseImproved Release
28.05.201914.7New ReleaseImproved Release
Разрешения на распространение: OzGIS can be freely distributed over the internet


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