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Personal Knowbase Reader 4.1.3
Компания: Bitsmith Software
Страна: United States of America, CA, Pinole
Член ASP: Да
Web сайт компании: https://www.bitsmithsoft.com
Сайт программы: http://www.bitsmithsoft.com
О приложении: https://www.bitsmithsoft.com/pkreader.htm

Автор: Bitsmith Software

Email продаж: info@bitsmithsoft.com
Email техподдержки: info@bitsmithsoft.com

Тип лицензии: Бесплатная
Класс: Business::Databases & Tools
Категории: Business & Finance :: Office Tools, Business & Finance :: PIMS & Organizers, Business & Finance :: Help Desk, Education :: Teaching
Платформа: Windows
ОС: Win2000, WinXP, Win7 x32, Win7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 10, WinServer, WinOther, WinVista, WinVista x64
Системные требования: No special requirements
Язык: English
Ограничения: Read files only

Ключевые слова: organizer, portable, notes, reader, knowledge, organize, information, cardfile, index cards, Knowbase, software

Personal Knowbase Reader is a viewer for data files created by Personal Knowbase freeform information management software. Share your Knowbase content with friends or co-workers, even those who don't have a copy of Personal Knowbase. PK Reader gives associates read-only access to files, so they can view, search, export, and print Knowbase articles, while preventing accidental changes to data.

Personal Knowbase is a flexible note manager that handles a large number of notes. This information organizer is like a virtual index card system, except that each card has no space limitations, and you can access all related cards together by tagging them with keywords.

PK Reader reads files created by Personal Knowbase version 2, 3, or 4. Multiple PK Reader users can read Knowbase files simultaneously on a network. Install on a CD for easy documentation distribution. Runs on a portable USB drive. Free for personal use.
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1.93 МБ

ДатаВерсияСтатусИстория выпусков
26.09.20204.1.3Minor UpdateEnhancements for multiple attachments and keyword groups
25.09.20184.1.2Minor UpdateEnhancements for multiple attachments and keyword groups
Разрешения на распространение: Distribution
2. Under NO circumstances may you distribute any modified version of the Software. Any distribution of the Software must include all unmodified files found in the original package, including programs, documentation, and sample data files.
3. Under NO circumstances may you wrap the Software within another software package, add files to the software package, or install it in conjunction with other software.
4. Under NO circumstances may you distribute a registered version of the Software or any registration keys which can be used to convert a trial version of the Software into a registered version.
5. Any vendor distributing the Software must prominently display a statement properly defining the shareware or 'try-before-you-buy' distribution method. This applies to all physical and electronic distribution methods.
6. Any vendor distributing the Software may not charge a fee in excess of US$10.00 for media and distribution costs for the trial version of the Software. This applies to all physical and electronic distribution methods. (For electronic distribution, this amount need not include normal connect-time charges.)
7. Any commercial vendor distributing the Software must inform Bitsmith Software of its intention to do so. Commercial vendor is defined as anyone distributing the Software for remuneration, monetary or otherwise.
8. Bitsmith Software reserves the right to revoke any permissions granted here at any time by notifying you in writing.


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