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ShowMe Software and the author, Harold Schwartz, grant permission for distribution of the ProKon shareware program under the following restrictions: 1) The program must be distributed "as is", including all of the files present in the original archive. 2) The shareware version is the sole version for which free distribution is permitted. 3) Any distribution must credit the author of the program as the owner and originator. 4) Under no circumstances may a distributor imply that said distribution constitutes registration of the program. 5) All copyright notices must remain intact within said distribution. 6) The original compressed filename must not be altered. 7) Distribution can be in any form, including CDROM, diskette, or Internet download. ShowMe Software License Agreement 1. Grant of License a) This ShowMe Software License Agreement ("License") permits the holder of an individual License to use one copy of the software program on any single computer, provided the soft- ware is in use on only one computer at any time. If you have multiple Licenses for the software, then at any time you may have as many copies of the software in use as you have Licenses. A copy of the software is in use when it is loaded into memory ("RAM") or when it is loaded onto a per- manent memory device such as a hard disk or diskette or other similar storage device. It is the user's responsibility to ascertain that the number of concurrent users of the software will not exceed the number of Licenses. If a copy of the software is loaded onto the hard disk or other storage device of a computer that is assigned to one individual, then that individual may also use one copy of the software on a port- able computer or a home computer. b) This ShowMe Software License Agreement ("License") permits the holder of an unlimited site License to use an unlimited number of copies of the software on an unlimited number of computers at one geographic site. A geographic site is defined as one building or group of buildings that are situ- ated on a single contiguous site, said buildings and site being owned or leased by a single individual or business entity. If a copy of the software is loaded onto the hard disk or other storage device of a computer that is assigned to an individual who's place of business or employment is located on a geographic site where that business or employer holds an unlimited site License, then that individual may also use one copy of the software on a portable computer or a home computer. 2. Restrictions ShowMe Software and the author stipulate that you may not rent, sublease, lease, sell, pledge or otherwise transfer or distri- bute the original copy or archival copy of the program. You agree not to translate, desassemble, modify, decompile, reverse engineer, or create derivative works based on the program or any part thereof. This agreement is automatically terminated without notice if any provision of this agreement is breached by you. 3. Copyright This software is owned by ShowMe Software or its suppliers and is protected by the United States copyright laws and interna- tional treaty provisions. Copyright (c) 1997-2010 by Harold Schwartz. All Rights Reserved. This software may not be sold, licensed, or a fee charged for its use. You are encouraged to make a back-up copy of "ProKon", however, no other reproduction or use is authorized without the express prior written consent of the copyright owner. The author grants the registered owner a nonexclusive, nontransferable License to use "ProKalc" (the Program) on one computer. The holder of a License may install copies of the Program onto the hard disk or other storage device under the terms of the ShowMe Software License Agreement, and such License holder may make copies of the Program disk(s) for backup purposes. These copies must include the software copyright notice. 4. Limited Warranty ShowMe Software has attempted to build reasonable safeguards into this software. As with any useful computer application, this soft- ware may contain errors in the program or documentation. The author does not give any warranty, either expressed or implied, to anyone using this program other than for the replacement of defective media. ShowMe Software does not warrant that your use of this program will be uninterrupted or error free. In no event shall the author be liable for any damages, including loss of profits or anticipated profits, lost savings, or other incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use or inability to use this program. The program comes "as is" and it is the user's responsibility to determine whether the program is suitable for his or her computer system and software needs. Replacement of the disk(s) containing the program is your exclusive remedy and is your sole measure of recoverable damage. Рейтинг: Назад Наверх
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