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FREE USE LICENSE PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING TERMS AND CONDITIONS. YOU AGREE THAT ALL OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS BELOW APPLY TO YOU AND ANYONE ELSE WHO USES THIS SOFTWARE, IF EITHER: YOU CLICK THE "ACCEPT" BUTTON, OR YOU COPY, INSTALL, OR USE THIS COPY OF Restaurant POS by SASSCO SOFTWARE, OR YOU PERMIT OR ENABLE OTHERS TO COPY, INSTALL OR USE THIS SOFTWARE. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE, PLEASE TERMINATE INSTALLATION IMMEDIATELY, AND DO NOT USE THIS SOFTWARE. 1. SOFTWARE COVERED BY THIS LICENSE This license agreement ("Agreement") applies only to the version of the Restaurant POS by SASSCO software package ("Restaurant POS by SASSCO") with which this Agreement is included by SASSCO. Different license terms may apply to other software packages or other materials from SASSCO, and license terms for later versions of Restaurant POS by SASSCO may also be changed. 2. FREE USE LICENSE. (a) Original Distribution Package Necessary. In order to qualify for the free use license described below, you must have downloaded or received Restaurant POS by SASSCO in the form of an original Restaurant POS by SASSCO distribution package as distributed by SASSCO, including all files contained in such package ("Original Distribution Package"). Current Original Distribution Packages for Restaurant POS by SASSCO are available from SASSCO and SASSCO-authorized Restaurant POS by SASSCO distributors. Copies of Restaurant POS by SASSCO not received in the form of an Original Distribution Package are not licensed for use, copying or transmission by you or others. (b) You may, free of charge: install and use Restaurant POS by SASSCO free of charge, for the purpose of creating, changing, storing, distributing and transmitting software description data files in PAD file format(s). copy, store, distribute and transmit, free of charge, identical copies of this Original Distribution Package of Restaurant POS by SASSCO to others, as long as it is deemed current by SASSCO. store, and distribute and transmit to others, the software description data files created in PAD file format(s) by proper use of this version of Restaurant POS by SASSCO ("proper use" is defined below). describe and designate the software description data files created in PAD file format(s) by proper use of this version of Restaurant POS by SASSCO program ) to others as "PAD" or "Portable Application Description" files. "Proper use" of Restaurant POS by SASSCO is use of the Restaurant POS by SASSCO program fully in accordance with SASSCO guidelines, as such guidelines may be changed, clarified or corrected by SASSCO from time to time. If you have any questions as to proper use of this Restaurant POS by SASSCO program, or other guidelines regarding use of the terms "PAD" or "Portable Application Description", you may contact SASSCO via the contact information included in this Original Distribution Package. (c) You may not: permit others to use this Restaurant POS by SASSCO program unless they are properly licensed by SASSCO, either under this Agreement or another agreement from SASSCO. modify, translate, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, or create derivative works based on, this Restaurant POS by SASSCO program. copy Restaurant POS by SASSCO except as described above. sell or license copies of Restaurant POS by SASSCO to others. remove any proprietary notices or labels on Restaurant POS by SASSCO or any other SASSCO software. use Restaurant POS by SASSCO in or for High Risk Activities (defined below) (d) All rights not expressly granted by SASSCO in this Agreement are entirely and exclusively reserved to SASSCO. 4. SUPPORT. Restaurant POS by SASSCO contains online help files. However, hard-copy documentation, telephone assistance and other support are not available under this free license. 5. TITLE. SASSCO or its licensors own the Restaurant POS by SASSCO software, all other materials in this Restaurant POS by SASSCO Original Distribution Package, the PAD File Format, and the "Restaurant POS by SASSCO", under the copyright, trademark, and trade secret laws and all other laws that may apply. 6. TERMINATION. The license will terminate automatically if you fail to comply with any of the limitations, conditions or obligations described herein. On termination, you must destroy all copies of the Restaurant POS by SASSCO software and all other materials in this Restaurant POS by SASSCO Original Distribution Package and, at SASSCO sole discretion, any or all of the files created by you using Restaurant POS by SASSCO and distributed to others. 7. GENERAL. This Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter herein and supersedes all previous and contemporaneous agreements, proposals and communications, written or oral between you and SASSCO. Waiver by SASSCO of any violation of any provision of this Agreement shall not be deemed to waive any further or future violation of the same or any other provision. This Agreement and any dispute relating to Restaurant POS by SASSCO or to this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the United States and the laws of the State of Washington, without regard to U.S. or Washington choice of law rules. You agree and consent that jurisdiction and proper venue for all claims, actions and proceedings of any kind relating to SASSCO or the matters in this Agreement shall be exclusively in courts located in Washington. If any part or provision of this Agreement is held to be unenforceable for any purpose, including but not limited to public policy grounds, then you agree that the remainder of the Agreement shall be fully enforceable as if the unenforceable part or provision never existed. There are no third party beneficiaries of any promises, obligations or representations made by SASSCO herein. Рейтинг: Назад Наверх
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