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This Software Product may be freely used, copied and distributed as long as it is not sold, and all original files are included, including this license. You are NOT allowed to make a charge for distributing this Software Product (either for profit or merely to recover your media and distribution costs) whether as a stand-alone product, or as part of a compilation or anthology, without explicit prior written permission. In order to seek to obtain this permission, please email us at daniel@athenait.net and provide a brief summary of what you have planned. You may not rent or lease the Software, nor may you modify, adapt, translate, reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the Software. If you violate any part of this agreement, your right to use this Software terminates automatically and you must then destroy all copies of the Software in your possession. During the installation and/or use of this software, software from third party software vendors may be installed on your system, by using this software you agree to have the third party software installed on your system. You may distribute an unlimited number of copies of this Software Product; providing that each copy shall be a true and complete copy, including all copyright and trademark notices, and shall be accompanied by a copy of this EULA. Separation of Components: The Software Product is licensed as a single product. Its component parts may not be separated for use without prior written permission. Saver for Snapchat (PC) Software Terms Last Updated 9th January 2014 http://terms.chitchat.org.uk.s3.amazonaws.com/snapchat-terms-and-conditions.html This License Agreement is a legal agreement between you (either an individual or a single entity) and the Authors for the Software Product 'Saver for Snapchat (PC)', which may include associated software components, media, printed materials, and 'online' or electronic documentation ('Software Product'). By installing, clicking 'Next', copying, or otherwise using the Software Product, you agree to be bound by the terms of this License Agreement ('Software Terms'). If you do not agree to the terms of this agreement, do not install by way of clicking 'Next' or otherwise use the Software Product. License Agreement: This Software Product may be freely used, copied and distributed as long as it is not sold, and all original files are included, including this license. You are NOT allowed to make a charge for distributing this Software Product (either for profit or merely to recover your media and distribution costs) whether as a stand-alone product, or as part of a compilation or anthology, without explicit prior written permission. In order to seek to obtain this permission, please email us at daniel@athenait.net and provide a brief summary of what you have planned. You may not rent or lease the Software, nor may you modify, adapt, translate, reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the Software. If you violate any part of this agreement, your right to use this Software terminates automatically and you must then destroy all copies of the Software in your possession. During the installation and/or use of this software, software from third party software vendors may be installed on your system, by using this software you agree to have the third party software installed on your system. You may distribute an unlimited number of copies of this Software Product; providing that each copy shall be a true and complete copy, including all copyright and trademark notices, and shall be accompanied by a copy of this EULA. Separation of Components: The Software Product is licensed as a single product. Its component parts may not be separated for use without prior written permission. Termination: Without prejudice to any other rights, the Authors (Saver for Snapchat (PC) and its owners) of this Software may terminate this EULA agreement at any time. In such event, you must destroy all copies of the Software Products and all of its component parts. Software Functionality: This software will perform, but is not limited to, the following functionalities following the acceptance of this EULA and third party licence agreements: 1. Enabled the user to log into Snapchat 2. Receive Snapchat messages (text, photos and video) 3. Save Snapchat messages (text, photo and video) 4. Collecting demographic information The Authors accept no responsibility for compatibility issues, the Snapchat servers or damages – in any form - arising from use of this software. Moreover, the Authors accept no responsibility for messages (text, pictures or video) sent or received in any form, spam or otherwise, that has been sent automatically or manually. Whilst your Snapchat log on information is required, this is used only for the purpose of logging into the Snapchat Servers. No “spam” or other messages will be sent from us. We accept no responsibility for lost or stolen logon credentials arising from the use of this software. Where liability can only be limited and not excluded liability, liability shall be the lowest possible as allowed by law. This includes, but is not limited to, instances whereby third party individuals try to sue Athena IT Limited (i) for unsolicited instant messages (ii) saving images/video that the user was not authorised to save (iii) distributing copyright images. The user of this application indicates by agreeing to these terms that they are the sole user of this computer, are authorised to enter into this agreement and accept sole legal responsibility for their receipt, saving and distribution of images sent to Snapchat accounts accessed on this computer. In short, you the user, are the entity that accepts sole responsibility for the content (whether text, videos or pictures) accessed, stored and distributed arising out of your Snapchat account. Information Collection & Usage The software product offers the opportunity to make use of Plura Processing. Plura Processing is developing the world’s largest distributed computing network. Their patent-pending technology enables computers all over the world to quickly and efficiently contribute to solving fascinating computing problems at unprecedented, democratized levels. Users whom opt to connect to the Plura Processing network will be responsible for all connectivity. Service is provided without warranty - excess internet usage, loss of data or otherwise is the responsibility of the end user. Software product vendor is not liable. Plura Processing can be opted out of at any time by going to Tools>Preferences>Connections. Copyright: All title and copyrights within and with regard to the Software Products (including but not limited to any images, photographs, animations, video, audio, music, text, and 'applets' incorporated into the Software Product), the accompanying printed materials, and any copies of the Software Product remain owned by their respective owners. For details of copyright ownership please email daniel@athenait.net specifying the information required. The Software Product is protected by copyright laws and international treaty provisions. Disclaimer: This software 'Saver for Snapchat (PC)” and the accompanying files are provided 'AS IS' without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to warranties of merchant ability or fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall the authors of Saver for Snapchat (PC) be liable for damages whatsoever including direct, indirect, consequential, loss of productivity, loss of functionality, loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or any other pecuniary loss or special damages, even if Saver for Snapchat (PC) has been informed of the possibility of such damages. Computer Owner: By agreeing to 'Saver for Snapchat (PC)' and its third-party components (The Software Product) to be installed, you indicate that you are THE/OR A OWNER of the computer in question, or have consent from the computer owner to do so. You MUST also be of an age that enables you to legally participate in EULA agreements in your country or state. Saving Media: By saving, viewing or editing media (whether pictures, video or text) with Saver for Snapchat (PC) you indicate that you have the expressed authorisation to view, edit or save the media. In the event that you knowingly or otherwise elect to distribute the media more widely, you indicate that you have the expressed authorisation of the sender to do so. You agree that the legal responsibility regarding saving, distributing, viewing or editing media received by Saver for Snapchat resides solely with you the user of this application. Processing: Saver for Snapchat (PC) offers 'Cirrus Processing' as an optional component. Full license terms and FAQ are contained on the cirrusprocessing.com website. Location: Saver for Snapchat (PC) operates under the laws of the United Kingdom; any dispute will be resolved under English Law in the courts of the state of Victoria in Australia. Update: These Software Terms may be updated at anytime without notice, by clicking 'Next' or otherwise installing or using Saver or Snapchat (PC) you will accept that you will comply with these terms and future terms. Severance: In the event that any part of this agreement is deemed unenforceable in a court of law, the rest of this agreement will remain in force and that term will be enforced to the fullest possible intended extent. Рейтинг: Назад Наверх
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